2 Incredibly Creative & Easy DIY Lighting Ideas For Your Home

.Want to add a little personality to your home? Installing some unique lighting fixtures can be an excellent way to make this happen. And if you like to dabble in arts and crafts, you won't even have to venture out to your local home improvement store to find new lighting fixtures for your home. Instead, consider making your own with just a few simple materials and in several easy steps.

Wine Bottle Pendant Lamps

If you've got some empty wine bottles lying around (or some full ones that you'd like to empty), you can make your very own wine bottle pendant lamps, which go great over a breakfast bar or entertainment space. For a really unique look, consider using glass wine bottles in a variety of colors and sizes.

Start by cutting off the bottom of a wine bottle; you can do this without special tools. Tie a piece of string tightly around the circumference of the bottle where you'd like the cut. Then, submerge the entire bottle into a large bath of ice water for a couple of minutes. Remove the bottle and the string, and then submerge it into a tub of nail polish remover for a few more minutes. Once the bottle is removed, re-tie the string in the same spot, set the bottle down, and watch as the temperature difference causes the bottle to split cleanly where the string was tied.

With the bottom of your wine bottle removed, all that's left to do is run wiring and a light bulb through the remainder of the bottle; from there, you've got an instant DIY pendant light!

Tin Can Lanterns

Looking for some custom lighting you can add to your outdoor or garden space? This is the perfect project for you; plus, it couldn't get any easier.

Start with a few empty tin cans (make sure they're washed out) and remove the lids. Then, using a nail and hammer, create the design of your choosing by poking holes along the circumference of the tins. Once you're happy with the designs, place the empty tins over a lit candle or LED light and watch your creations illuminate a garden path or outdoor patio.

These are just a couple examples of easy and creative DIY lighting projects to consider trying at your home. You might be surprised at just how much you can do with items that you'd otherwise throw away--such as empty wine bottles and tin cans.

Contact a professional, like Dhillon Lighting Inc light stores, for help with these DIY projects—or have a professional take care of all your lighting needs.
