Insulation Options

Insulating your home is an incredibly smart thing to do, especially with all those cold Canadian winters! Insulation keeps out cold air, not only making a home more comfortable, but also reducing heating costs. However, when it comes to insulation, you have a lot of different options as to what type of insulation you choose. There is no definite right or wrong type. There are pros and cons to any option, and it's important to make a careful decision about which choice is the best fit for you and your home.


Blanketed batts and rolls are a popular insulation choice, especially for those who are looking to gain all of the benefits of insulation without spending a fortune. This insulation type usually consists of a mixture of fiberglass, wool, and plastic and can be used in a variety of spaces. It's most often found in between wall and floor slats and in ceilings.

The main advantage to this insulation is that it's very affordable. It's also simple to install, so simple, in fact, that many people choose to handle the installation themselves. However, it can also be messy, especially in areas, such as attics, where it is left exposed. Some people have also been known to have allergic reactions to batting insulation, making it not a good choice for those with wool allergies or other sensitivities.

Polyurethane Spray

Another option, though not nearly as cheap, is polyurethane spray insulation. This insulation is, literally, a foam that is sprayed into the desired spaces. The foam hardens and then, voilĂ , insulates the home. While the installation process may sound simple, it's not. It requires special tools, and great care must be taken not to come into direct contact with the foam while spraying. Therefore, professional installation is highly recommended.

The main advantage of this type of insulation is that it can keep out moisture as well as cold air, thereby reducing the risk of water damage, mold and mildew, and other moisture-related problems. This feature and the intricate installation are what make it one of the more expensive choices, but it's definitely worth it if you're worried about water exposure issues.

Foam Boards

Rounding things out is another cheap insulation option: foam boards. These boards are the boards you'll find outside of unfinished homes, but because they are so cheap and effective, many people have taken to installing them inside walls and underneath floors.

While the cheap price, the effectiveness, and the fact that they can also keep out moisture are nice, the downside is that they are relatively flimsy and will need to be replaced fairly often to remain effective.

As you can see, you have lots of different choices, but it's all about what you want and can afford. For more information, go to sites of local insulation companies to see what they recommend.
