Kids Sending Things Through The Potty Portal? How To Use A Closet Auger To Re-Open Clogged Toilets

One of the most common calls that a plumber receives is for help with a clogged toilet. If you have young children in your home, you should always be prepared for clogged toilets. Those little creatures sure enjoy watching odd things travel down the toilet into a land lost in time, so you should learn how to use a closet auger to unclog your kids' portal to another universe. Why should you do this yourself?

3 Lodging Options For Your Family Camping Trip

Are you planning your first big family camping trip? A camping trip can be a great way to get back to nature, have fun outdoors, and spend quality time together as a family. However, if you're not an experienced camper, you may want to put some thought into exactly what kind of trip you want to have. While camping is always fun, it could be problematic if you get out there and realize that sleeping in a tent just isn't for you.

3 Tips For Living Through An Extensive Home Renovation

Doing an extensive renovation on a house can be stressful. That is especially the case if you also have to live in the house while it is being renovated. Having your home turned upside down can cause even the happiest of people so much stress and anxiety. Here are three tips to help you live through an extensive renovation in your home. 1. Plan carefully. When it comes time to go through with the extensive home renovation, you should sit down as a family and plan everything out.

How To Create A Mexican Style House

Perhaps you've driven through the Mexican countryside and have seen the charming haciendas around San Miguel de Allende, Cancun and Guanajuato. Or you have fallen in love with the more modern Mexican homes in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey. Consider combining both the traditional look and a contemporary one in designing your Mexican-style house. Here are some ideas that may give you some inspiration. The Facade - Because you are combining modern with traditional, you have the luxury of selecting any materials you love for the outside walls of your home.

What's That Smell? 4 Strange Furnace Odors And What They Mean

If your furnace stops working, you know it's time to call your local heating and cooling company. However, your furnace might work fine and still be putting your family in serious danger. How can you tell that your furnace needs urgent attention even when it seems to be working fine? One way you can tell is through your sense of smell. If you notice a strange and new smell emanating from your furnace, you should call for an inspection and repair right away.